Tuesday 25 September 2018

New set of Scrapbook Papers- Busy baby!

What with two kids running about (in case of one, almost), there is not enough hours in a day that you can be you and do things that you love. That is life and soon I will be complaining about too much time in my hands when they grow up and go their separate ways.

Well, as of now, the baby is fast asleep and I am watching Grimm, Season 1 on Netflix, eating a pie and posting this. Talk about multitasking! Anyway, hope you will like these scrapbook papers.


Saturday 22 September 2018

Halloween is here!

And lo! Another Halloween is here.Though Halloween is not really celebrated in this part of the world, the concept of this festival has always fascinated me. This time I tried drawing a centipede(which gave me the creeps), spider and cobwebs...Hope it is creepy enough.
Have a spooky Halloween!

Saturday 15 September 2018

Backing Papers- Baby theme

Baby themes seem to be very popular. To make a birthday card for a sweet little baby, a cute backing paper is a necessity. Here are a few backing papers for you to select from.